madre mia, luna de dios is a book of landscapes formed by gesture and gentle touch. the slow intuitive process of brushing, mending, and interlocking of fiborous material reflects the delicacy of holding and performing a pure femininity represented by the moon and the cultural implications of craft. The moon is a mother-- a beacon of light through dark trespasses. under her light i am a child of the earth--- i cannot be alienated.
plaster covers, wet felt, charcoal, typewriter on cotton
Madre mía, luna de dios
Madre mía, alma pura
tu cara linda y tu luz reflejante
Una colisión contra la madre tierra
Resultó en tu existencia sabia
Seras mí guía eterna
Tus fases me recordaran
Que sigo vivo
Sigo amado
Por ti
Te seguiré
En busca de ser más como tú
Madre mía, alma pura
Es un honor contemplarte
De ser tu hijo
Siempre pensaré en ti
Aún cuando la noche te consume por completo
Conjuraré tu fuerza
Para sobrevivir entre tanta oscuridad
Mother of mine, moon of god
Mother of mine, a pure soul
Your beautiful face and reflective light
A collision against the mother earth
Resulted in your wise existence
You’ll be my eternal guide
Your phases will remind me
That i remain alive
Remain loved
By you
I’ll follow you
In search to be more like you
Mother of mine, a pure soul
Its an honor to behold you
To be your son
I will always think of you
Even when the night consumes you completely
I will conjure your strength
To survive within so much darkness